The Most Effective Modern Promotion Methods

Eugene Fomin
3 min readAug 17, 2021

Today there are many promotion methods, but not all of them are effective. You need to have a clear marketing strategy and not neglect advertising to attract customers. I have compiled here the most successful ways to increase your traffic.


Targeting is a marketing tool that allows you to set up advertisements to be shown only to certain people, i.e. to your potential customers. This method requires some investments, but if you use it correctly, it will bring you good results. Also, targeting advertising has the advantage that it can be set up in almost every social network, which allows you to find your audience of customers.

Hashtag Tactic

Using hashtags can help you gain new followers and get your post to the top. The advantage of this promotion method is obvious — it’s free, but it still works very well. It’s important to get the hashtags right for your articles, and then you’re sure to get more traffic.

Advertising with influencers

Influencers can help you reach a wider audience and boost sales through their storytelling or advertising integration with your product. Working with bloggers brings you a more loyal followers that trust your brand, so it’s a good way to promote. Also, one of the advantages of working with influencers is that you can choose any person according on your budget.


Search engine optimization is considered to be the most effective way of developing a project in the long term. When pages reach the top of search engine results, the resource receives a steady traffic flow, brand awareness increases and sales grow. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that to achieve a good result, you need to invest a sufficient amount of money in optimization, content and a long time to wait.

E-mail Marketing

An old, but still well-functioning method of promotion. It is important to adapt your mailing list to the users and not to make it too intrusive, it is enough to send it 2–3 times a week, informing subscribers about upcoming discounts and events. This method has the advantage of being relatively low-cost and aimed at an older audience, so if you use it wisely, it will boost your sales.

Content Marketing

Your page can bring you traffic by itself if you use a content strategy. People will be interested in your useful texts and eye-catching photos, and you in turn will gain an audience for free. The main thing is to give users really relevant information on your topic, and they in turn will really consider you as an expert and increase sales.

Video advertising

However, I would not recommend spending a lot of money on this type of advertising to be shown on TV now. It would be better to run such ads on YouTube, so that they are displayed before every video and increase your traffic.



Eugene Fomin

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